AbleOwl’s professional consultants have been developing Excel applications for over 30 years. Being specialists, we have great productivity and expertise to apply in the development of applications for you.
In addition, we are dedicated to providing a high-level of support and continuity as staff come and go. Of course, our own staff also come and go, but we develop applications with a set of conventions that other of our staff can quickly follow.
If you are interested to learn those conventions yourself, download the free GenieMini add-in of ours and follow the free course.
The capability and quality of our Excel applications are a world apart from those developed by even advanced Excel users. The reality is, that in the correct developer hands, Excel is a tool for creating robust, maintainable, user-friendly applications in a small fraction of the time of alternative technologies. Furthermore, Excel provides a stable platform with longevity. Other advantages of Excel include:
- Extensive functionality which can be called upon instead of having to develop.
- Integration with databases and other software (Accounting: Xero, MYOB), Online services, Power BI ...
- Wide user familiarity.
- Very large third-party support including programmer gurus such as ourselves.

The applications we develop for large and small organisations are very varied and integrate with other technology. Some examples include:
- Quotations and contracts with email and SMS reminders and browser contract signing.
- Automation of data download and report creation.
- Azure (and other) back end SQL Server applications where all data is stored in the database and Excel is the front-end.
- Multi-user, secure applications, which the user cannot corrupt or tamper with.
If you have a project you need to help with,
please email admin@ableowl.com, call or submit the form below.
Australia - Melbourne +61 (3) 8400 4580 - Sydney +61 (2) 7257 9585
New Zealand +64 (7) 854 9276
In the box below, tell us more about what you want.
If you would like an online meeting to discuss, please suggest a time or two